Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Made it to Copenhagen

OK, so after an overnight delay and a few hours on the phone with the airline "help desk" (Ha !), we managed to skip London and book a flight directly from Newark to Copenhagen, as originally planned, only 24 hours late. Rosanna and I did not reserve seats next to each other; we both wanted a window seat so that we could lean against the window and sleep. Rosanna slept a little bit on the flight. However, seated next to an innocent looking but unpredictable elbow monster in a seat that would not recline, Ed was up most of the night. Finally we landed a little before 8AM in Copenhagen, where customs was a breeze. Anna met us at the concourse. The mother and child reunion was only an ocean away. We took the train to the Hotel Sct Thomas in Fredriksburg, a "suburb" (do they use that word here?) of Copenhagen. Anna went to her class at the university while Rosanna and I took a short but needed nap at the hotel. In the afternoon, we had a wonderful lunch at Riz Raz, a favorite vegetarian Mediteranean buffet of Anna's. We walked around Copenhagen for a while, then took a boat tour from Nyhavn (pronounced "Newhaven") of the Copenhagen canals, seeing all the old & new parts of the city from the comfort of our seat, important, since we were still pretty jet-lagged. Particularly impressive was the waterside Copenhagen Opera House.
It is early evening now. Anna has now gone off to orchestra rehearsal, where SymfUni: The Symphony Orchestra of Copenhagen University, conducted by Frederik Stovring Olsen, is preparing for a performance of operatic pieces.

Rosanna and I went out looking for a bite to eat. We ended up getting a Kronenberg 1664 draft beer at Cafe Viggo on Værnedamsvej which, as the reviewer says, is a "a seriously nice place to hang around". The cafe is full of wonderful, large wall drawings of the great Belgian comic strip character Gaston Lagaffe. Then we grabbed a sandwich and chips at a blast from my past, one of the 7-11 convenience stores that seem to be on every corner in Copenhagen. And we headed off the hotel, and the first full night's sleep in a while. ZZZZZ.....

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