Monday, May 19, 2008

Last two days in Copenhagen

OK, it's been really busy, and this blog has not been updated since Thursday. I now am sitting at a hotel in Italy on Monday afternoon, seeking to reconstruct the events of Friday and Saturday based on my fading memories and a few photographs. So here goes.

Friday morning took us to the northern part of the city by the harbor. We saw all three "little mermaid" statues, the "original", which we had seen on the canal tour, the larger "fake", created to promote a restaurant, and the "modern", in a harborside sculpture garden where we hung out for a while with the yachts and cruise chips. Guess which one is in the accompanying photo?
Then we visited the "Kastellet", a star shaped fortification built in the 17th century, with a castle, a church, and a windmill. We hung out for a while next to the windmill, watching some large wading birds, and getting chastised by a security guard for the faux pas of walking our bicycles into the "no bikes" zone. I sincerely promised to never do this again.After the windmill, we rode downtown, encountering a column of royal guards marching in the bike lane along the way. Lunch was at Restaurant Barock in Nyhavn, then we walked to the museum at Amelienborg palace, the winter residence of Queen Margaret II. The museum contains a variety of historical artifacts concerning the Danish monarchy, including a number of photos of the recent wedding of Prince Frederik to an Australian woman. Australian royalty? Who knew! We went inside Frederik's Church next door, and viewed the spectacular dome, decorated with frescoes of the twelve apostles, with Judas having been appropriately replaced by Paul. Finally we climbed the spiral brick walkway to the top of the Round Tower and enjoyed the panoramic view of the whole region before descending again. From the top of the Round Tower, the new bridge from Denmark to Malmo, Sweden can be clearly seen. Friday was capped with a nice Mexican dinner in Fredriksberg.

Saturday morning, Anna met us for breakfast and a few photos before Rosanna and I headed off to the airport for our next adventure...

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